Ground Plane final

Im going to give this a day to settle in and do maybe another 5 minutes of minor touch ups but otherwise it is as done as I am going for. Really had fun with cobbling together bits and pieces of junk to make this thing look lived in. If i could change anything It would be where that right vanishing point is. Right now it feels too aggressive to me, but oh well :(

*edit - tweaked background gradient colors

Props and propless planes

My attentions in the short term have been divided from the wasteland vehicle with a desire to try my hand at some off the wall props / environment work.

An hour of exploring a biological alien spaceship...

An hour of exploring a biological alien spaceship...

Still chugging away on this guy though... I really need to think of something better to call it :/


Well, it's probably apparent now that I have missed a few days of work for this daily draw challenge. Unfortunately family called me down to the hospital and I had to bow out just a few days away from completion.

At the time of this post 12 people participated with a $10 buy in and 4 of us are out :(

Good luck to the remainder!