Yesterday was a day of silence for my friends who lost their job.
April - Day 15
Bird Dragon!
30 minute sketch on - topic was creature and tag was "beak"
April - Day 14
Time to add fun stuff
April - Day 13
Making a land vehicle using parts from an old prop plane.
April - Day 12
more noodling with sketchbook pro 2015
April - Day 11
Sketchbook Pro 2015 isn't even fair...
April - Day 10
Got called away a few times, but happy with it overall. Wish I could have moved his colors into the gamut of the rest of the piece but oh well. Also had a guy walking by and dropping a catchup packet in but abandoned him due to time.
April - Day 9
"Wasteland Weapons" - kinda worked a bit backwards on this one and FINISHED with thumbs! :/
April - Day 8
I feel things take me longer than usual when I have a 3d base model. it gives me lines I have to follow and it makes me want to create highly ordered layers so i can make nondestructive edits :/
April - Day 7
Herpderping around in sketchup with no starting concept.
April - Day 6
Some simple handgun iterations. Will evolve into more unusual directions.
April - Day 4 + 5
Not used to a photo assisted workflow. Burned too much time and couldn't really pull the comp together at all over the first hour. Gave it a second hour which helped but im sure when I wake up tomorrow and look back on it with eyes anew I'll delete this post out of shame.
Tags were "Hardship" and "Help" via Concept Art Sessions